The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent
The Nightly Nuge is your chance to get Ted Nugent’s take on the news of our world every night in a concise, fiery fashion that totally Ted. Each Nugecast highlights a hot topic in the news from Ted’s point of view. He’ll rip the fiction from the facts that the mainstream media wants to hide from you and enlighten you with truth, logic and common sense as only he can. The Nightly Nuge is the REAL news behind the fake news, designed for the busy lives of hard working Americans like you. The Nightly Nuge is Ted Nugent as you’ve never seen him before. Every night Ted and his co-host, Keith Mark, discuss and debunk the mainstream media’s version of an important story by using truth, logic and common sense. These concise, fast paced Nugecasts might leave you laughing or crying, but always learning and inspired to be the best that you can be. The Nightly Nuge is a concise, fast paced look at a news story of the day presented by Ted Nugent as only he can. Each weeknight, a fresh new Nugecast explores the truth, logic and common sense behind a news story that Ted rips from the headlines and dissects. The Nightly Nuge is your source for Ted Nugent’s presentation of commentary, facts, and his take on a wide range of topics in the news. Each nightly Nugecast is a concise and fiery perspective on events and happenings that impact you, your family, and your lifestyle.

Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Salman Rushdie has had a bounty on his head since 1989 when Iran’s leader called for his death following the publication of his book, The Satanic Verses. Amazingly, the venue where he was attacked still elected to forego metal detectors and extra security for his presentation. After the tragic stabbing, the venue’s president said, “We are proud of the security we have…”. Uncle Ted knows a little about venue security and you will want to hear his take on this sad event.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S01-E189 - Salman Rushdie Attacked On Stage After Venue Chose Minimal Security - 220817

Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Joe Biden just signed the $740 million Inflation Reduction Act that Democrats rammed through the Senate and House despite the Congressional Budget Office saying it would raise taxes for the middle class and potentially add 87,000 armed IRS agents who agree to use deadly force.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S01-E188 - How Will 87,000 New Armed IRS Agents Help Reduce Inflation? - 220816

Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
As schools are reopening around the country, Uncle Ted gives his grades for a variety of government agencies and explains why they are failing. A recent poll shows how much trust Americans have in a variety of federal agencies and the results are sad, to say the least.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S01-E187 - Schools Are Reopening And Uncle Ted Gives His Grades For Government Agencies - 220815

Saturday Aug 13, 2022
Saturday Aug 13, 2022
In this Weekend Edition, Ted shares a story he rarely discusses from 1978. The Motorcity Madman had spent an extended period in the wilds of Sudan bush country hunting with a local tribe when a civil war of sorts broke out. Crazed locals went on a rampage of death and destruction. He literally ran for his life and relied on all of his instincts and learned survival skills to make his way out alive. If you’ve never heard this story, tune it and buckle up!
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S01-E186 - Uncle Ted Shares His Harrowing Escape From Sudan In 1978 - 220813

Friday Aug 12, 2022
Friday Aug 12, 2022
For this “Friday Free For All”, Ted explains how his classic track, “Stormtroopin’” from 1975 came about and explains why the lyrics are as relevant today as ever. Maybe even more light of the recent FBI raid on President Trump’s home. This is an episode to share with friends and family.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S01-E185 -Ted Breaks Down His Classic “Stormtroopin’” And Why Its So Important Today - 220812

Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Ted loves to dig and probe to learn a politician true character but it’s extra hard when they use an alias on Social Media and hide from their constituents like Mitt Romney has for years. The Motorcity Madman lays down a challenge to Sen. Romney and any other politician to join him on the show and debate topics that are important to Americans.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S01-E184 - Mitt Romney Hid Behind The Name Pierre Delecto And Ted Wants To Know Why - 220811

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Backroom negotiations in the Senate resulted in a new proposed inflation reduction plan that would see the IRS growing by 87,000 new agents and many of them will be armed. Yes, you read that right. Imagine if other agencies helping Americans in need had those resources.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S01-E183 - New Democratic Inflation Reduction Act Will Add 87,000 IRS Agents - 220810

Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
In this Special Edition, Ted shares his story of having his houses raided in the middle of the night by armed agents. His emotions are raw as the memories of that home invasion were awakened by the news that President Trump’s home was raided by the FBI yesterday. Do not miss this extended version of The Nightly News and hear Ted’s advice to all Americans.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S01-E182 - Ted Nugent Bares His Soul In Reaction To The Raid On President Trump’s Home - 220809

Monday Aug 08, 2022
Monday Aug 08, 2022
FBI Director Christopher Wray is on the hotseat as a secret, internal document has been leaked by a patriotic whistleblower that outlines “Domestic Terrorism Symbols”. That seems harmless enough until you see the common images that are on the watchlist, many of which you might hold dear.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S01-E181 - Whistleblower Leaks Secret FBI Doc And You Might Have Cause For Concern - 220808

Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
In this Weekend Edition, we pack a lot in as Ted talks about how proper predator management equates to great gifts and you’ll learn how you can win a hunt with Ted or other Dream Hunts.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S01-E180 - Uncle Ted Talks Christmas Gifts For Grandkids And How To Win A Hunt With Him - 220806