The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent
The Nightly Nuge is your chance to get Ted Nugent’s take on the news of our world every night in a concise, fiery fashion that totally Ted. Each Nugecast highlights a hot topic in the news from Ted’s point of view. He’ll rip the fiction from the facts that the mainstream media wants to hide from you and enlighten you with truth, logic and common sense as only he can. The Nightly Nuge is the REAL news behind the fake news, designed for the busy lives of hard working Americans like you. The Nightly Nuge is Ted Nugent as you’ve never seen him before. Every night Ted and his co-host, Keith Mark, discuss and debunk the mainstream media’s version of an important story by using truth, logic and common sense. These concise, fast paced Nugecasts might leave you laughing or crying, but always learning and inspired to be the best that you can be. The Nightly Nuge is a concise, fast paced look at a news story of the day presented by Ted Nugent as only he can. Each weeknight, a fresh new Nugecast explores the truth, logic and common sense behind a news story that Ted rips from the headlines and dissects. The Nightly Nuge is your source for Ted Nugent’s presentation of commentary, facts, and his take on a wide range of topics in the news. Each nightly Nugecast is a concise and fiery perspective on events and happenings that impact you, your family, and your lifestyle.

Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Uncle Ted knows from 1st hand experience the importance of border security and he shares that experience with our audience and explains why its so important to every American, whether you live near a border or not.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S01-E249 - Border Security Is Sure To Be A Voting Issue And Ted Has Advice For All - 221026

Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Across the country, American parents are starting to talk back to the teachers and their frustration is likely to have an impact on the election in two weeks. Uncle Ted reminds us he saw this “dumbing down” of our children starting to happen 50 years ago and he offers a solution we should all consider, whether we have kids or not.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S01-E248 - American Parents Are Demanding Better From Our Schools - 221025

Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
This week, we look at the issues on the mind of the American voters and remind everyone to make certain they vote on November 8th or before. Uncle Ted has the current crime wave on his mind and explains why who you vote for will have an impact on crime.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S01-E247 - This Week Ted Talks Voting Issues And Starts Today With The Crime Wave - 221024

Saturday Oct 22, 2022
Saturday Oct 22, 2022
In this Weekend Edition, we reflect on the series of “doomsday” predictions we have heard from the government over the last 50 years and how most proved to be wrong. Regardless of what new scary scenario Mainstream Media is peddling, Uncle Ted reminds us all to get out amidst God’s creation to find peace and positive energy. Enjoy your weekend!
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S01-E246 - Ted Reminds Us That Spending Time Outdoors Cures A Lot Of Ills - 221022

Friday Oct 21, 2022
Friday Oct 21, 2022
New Yorkers let AOC hear what their concerns were at a recent “town hall” and her reaction wasn’t pretty. As cell phone videos from the embarrassing night are popping up across the internet, Uncle Ted weighs in with his thoughts on how she is doing.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S01-E245 - AOC Feels Heat From Her Constituents And It’s Not A Good Look - 221021

Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
It took over a year, but the truth is finally coming out and out Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas has some explaining to do. Uncle Ted shares his experience from the border.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S01-E244 - The Truth Finally Comes Out: Border Agents Did NOT Whip Border Crossers - 221020

Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wisconsin Congressman Tom Tiffany is calling for an investigation into why the Biden Administration secretly asked the Saudis to push an OPEC vote until after the November elections. Biden’s team is spinning the narrative. Ted gets straight to the heart of the issue.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S01-E243 - Biden Admin Admits It Asked Saudis Hold Decision Until After Elections - 221019

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
A Pfizer exec has admitted under oath that their Covid shot was never tested to see if it prevents transmission of the disease. While Pfizer says they never claimed it would prevent transmission, some very prominent leaders in the US did make that claim to convince Americans to get the shot. Who was peddling misinformation and why?
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S01-E242 - Watch To See Why Uncle Ted Busts Out His “I Will Not Comply” Flag - 221018

Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
A New York Post Op Ed makes the case that the FBI intentionally framed President Trump at the same time they were protecting Hunter Biden as American’s were deciding who to vote for in 2020.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S01-E241 - NY Post Op Ed Claims FBI Framed Trump And Saved Hunter Biden - 221017

Saturday Oct 15, 2022
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
In this Weekend Edition, Uncle Ted explains how the world of outdoor television has changed over the decades and why the time is right to move his show to Pursuit Channel in January of 2023!
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S01-E240 - Weekend Edition - 221015