The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent
The Nightly Nuge is your chance to get Ted Nugent’s take on the news of our world every night in a concise, fiery fashion that totally Ted. Each Nugecast highlights a hot topic in the news from Ted’s point of view. He’ll rip the fiction from the facts that the mainstream media wants to hide from you and enlighten you with truth, logic and common sense as only he can. The Nightly Nuge is the REAL news behind the fake news, designed for the busy lives of hard working Americans like you. The Nightly Nuge is Ted Nugent as you’ve never seen him before. Every night Ted and his co-host, Keith Mark, discuss and debunk the mainstream media’s version of an important story by using truth, logic and common sense. These concise, fast paced Nugecasts might leave you laughing or crying, but always learning and inspired to be the best that you can be. The Nightly Nuge is a concise, fast paced look at a news story of the day presented by Ted Nugent as only he can. Each weeknight, a fresh new Nugecast explores the truth, logic and common sense behind a news story that Ted rips from the headlines and dissects. The Nightly Nuge is your source for Ted Nugent’s presentation of commentary, facts, and his take on a wide range of topics in the news. Each nightly Nugecast is a concise and fiery perspective on events and happenings that impact you, your family, and your lifestyle.

Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Joe Biden’s State Of The Union Address didn’t mention China has been buying up farmland and now is reported to be buying military academies on US soil, all while sending potential spy balloons over our most secret military installations. Uncle Ted has had enough and reminds us that there are other options.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E033 - Why Is China Flourishing While America Struggles? - 230208

Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Uncle Ted has a pretty good idea of why China suddenly has the audacity to fly “weather” balloons over our most secretive bases and he shares the answer with you tonight.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E032 - What Is The Leadership Of Our Military Focused On? - 230207s02-e032-230207

Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
So, China sends another balloon over US territory and Biden chooses to let it cross over some of our most secret facilities before shooting it down. Why? Wouldn’t it have made more sense to shoot it down when it first entered our airspace in the wilderness of Alaska?
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E031 - Why Didn’t Biden Shoot Down China’s Balloon Over Alaskan Wilderness? - 230206

Saturday Feb 04, 2023
Saturday Feb 04, 2023
In this Weekend Edition, Uncle Ted welcomes a very special guest, Derek Wolfe. Derek is a former NFL player loves to hunt and actively engages in predator management in Colorado. He recently used his bow to take out a troublesome mountain lion that was threatening the delicate balance in his neighborhood.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E030 - Special Guest Derek Wolfe Discusses Backlash From His Recent Mount Lion Incident - 230204

Friday Feb 03, 2023
Friday Feb 03, 2023
For this “Friday Free For All”, Ted welcomes former NFL player, Derek Wolfe and they discuss how COVID and his refusal to get “vaccinated” impacted his life and ended his career prematurely.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E029 - Former NFL Standout Derek Wolfe Discusses His Experiences With COVID - 230203

Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Dr. Karladine Graves is back for more episode this week and she lays out some of the treatment options if you or someone you know gets COVID. She also explains which vitamins are essential to help you avoid illness and improve your recovery process when you get sick.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E028 - Tune In Tonight If You Or Someone You Know Has COVID! - 230202

Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Ted Nugent welcome Dr. Karladine Graves back to discuss the horrible treatment she has experienced from members of her profession after she decided to prescribe proven, effective medications for her patients with COVID- among them our co-host, Keith Mark.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E027 - Learn What Happens To A Doctor Who Dares Prescribe COVID Treatments - 230201

Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Uncle Ted’s special guest, Dr. Karladine Graves lays out the history of COVID’s origins and why everyone should know the wheres and whys and hows of this pandemic got it’s start.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E026 - Dr. Karladine Graves Shines The Light Of Truth On COVID’s Origins - 230131

Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Dr. Karladine Graves, a prominent medical doctor in the Midwest, explains the origins of the pandemic that shut down our economy and our freedoms. Dr. Graves walks us through how manipulating of contagions has been part of our government’s research and development for over 100 years.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E025 - Learn The Origins Of The Pandemic From A Medical Expert - 230130

Saturday Jan 28, 2023
Saturday Jan 28, 2023
In this Weekend Edition, Uncle Ted welcomes a very special guest, Rock Bordelon, the host of “On The Road” on Pursuit Network. Rock shares his love of hunting and why he is so dedicated to fighting to protect the rights of hunters through
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E024 - Special Guest Rock Bordelon Joins Us To Discuss Hunting And Our Lifestyle - 230128