The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent
The Nightly Nuge is your chance to get Ted Nugent’s take on the news of our world every night in a concise, fiery fashion that totally Ted. Each Nugecast highlights a hot topic in the news from Ted’s point of view. He’ll rip the fiction from the facts that the mainstream media wants to hide from you and enlighten you with truth, logic and common sense as only he can. The Nightly Nuge is the REAL news behind the fake news, designed for the busy lives of hard working Americans like you. The Nightly Nuge is Ted Nugent as you’ve never seen him before. Every night Ted and his co-host, Keith Mark, discuss and debunk the mainstream media’s version of an important story by using truth, logic and common sense. These concise, fast paced Nugecasts might leave you laughing or crying, but always learning and inspired to be the best that you can be. The Nightly Nuge is a concise, fast paced look at a news story of the day presented by Ted Nugent as only he can. Each weeknight, a fresh new Nugecast explores the truth, logic and common sense behind a news story that Ted rips from the headlines and dissects. The Nightly Nuge is your source for Ted Nugent’s presentation of commentary, facts, and his take on a wide range of topics in the news. Each nightly Nugecast is a concise and fiery perspective on events and happenings that impact you, your family, and your lifestyle.

Saturday Jun 17, 2023
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
Ted and Shemane Nugent have hosted thousands of kids over the decades at his Kamp For Kids program. Go to to learn more about the camp and how you can join other great Americans in supporting this fantastic program.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E144 - The Motor City Madman Salutes Those Who Have Supported His Kamp For Kids Program - 230617

Friday Jun 16, 2023
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Uncle Ted remembers back to a time when Whoopi Goldberg made headlines for her humor and acting chops. He also calls her out for the inaccurate, misleading and ignorant remarks she makes regularly on The View. You don’t want to miss this one!
S02-E143 - Ted Nugent Praises Whoopi Goldberg’s Talent But Has Other Thoughts On Her Thinking - 230616

Thursday Jun 15, 2023

Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
It is Flag Day and Uncle Ted laments the Biden White House decision to inappropriately fly the “Pride” flag over America’s true flag. He also challenges Biden’s assertion that those who salute the “Pride” flag are the most courageous amongst us. Anyone remember D-Day?
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E141 - Ted Nugent Shows Everyone What His Pride Flag Looks Like And You Can Get One! - 230614

Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
If you don’t know who George Soros is, you need to, and Ted Nugent is the man to teach you.Soros came to America from Hungary, became a billionaire, and financed countless liberal campaigns. His son now has the keys to the kingdom and he wants to get more involved in politics.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E140 - George Soros Is Handing Over His Empire To His Son And You Should Be Worried! - 230613

Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Hillary Clinton had 30,000 emails on her private, unsecured server and many of them were classified and secret. Joe Biden had boxes of classified docs in his garage for years. Neither of them was president and were never charged with anything. Uncle Ted knows why Trump is being targeted and you should know, too.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E139 - Ted Nugent Explains Why Trump Is In The Crosshairs Of Boden’s DOJ - 230612

Saturday Jun 10, 2023
Saturday Jun 10, 2023
Uncle Ted reminds us all that we can make a difference and we can change many of America’s problems by simply getting involved and joining him at
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E138 - The Motor City Madman Has A Solution For Many Of Our Problems On This Weekend Edition - 230610

Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Uncle Ted recalls meeting legendary deer hunter Fred Bear. It’s the 35th anniversary of the release of his song, “Fred Bear” which was inspired by the passing of the man who changed the world of archery. He also announces the release of a new vinyl disc of the song and how you can get a signed copy.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E137 - Ted Nugent Get Emotional Sharing His Earliest Memories Of Fred Bear - 230609

Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Uncle Ted explains why trusting the government almost never ends well, whether it’s the CDC or FDA or DOJ, the ABCs of the Biden administration are doing more harm than good and the Motor City Madman has the solution.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E136 - Ted Nugent Shines His Truth, Logic and Common-Sense Spotlight On Government Agencies. - 230608

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Uncle Ted reminds of an earlier time in America when criminally corrupt politicians were held accountable by the Department Of Justice and explains why this is simply not the case with Biden and his ilk.
The Nightly Nuge featuring Ted Nugent S02-E135 - Ted Nugent Looks Into The ABCs Of The DOJ And Why There Is No Real Justice In The Swamp - 230607